The benefits of advertising with us:
- Our advertising design service is completely FREE!
- With over 287k hits each month on our website, we will drive traffic directly to your site & help influence your search engine rankings
- Over 30k copies of our magazine are distributed annually, and it is filled with big name competitions & more
- Its extended shelf life will target a wider audience for your company throughout the year
- 120k followers across social media helps push business your way
- We distribute via independent newsagents and major supermarkets, as well as relevant, targeted outlets such as shops, schools & nurseries, restaurants, hotels, conference centres, managed offices, accountants reception areas.
- We invoice you after print and as an added bonus; you could get an early payment discount!
For our latest advertising rates click here (PDF download).
Packages we offer:
- £175.00 Super Links PACKAGE – and Classified (24mm x 65mm width)
- £230.00 Classified – Prime Position Link Banner (approx. 600 to 700 pixels wide 200 to 300 pixels high) and Classified (24mm x 65mm width)
- £70.00 – Classified – (20mm x 91mm width)
- £300.00 – Quarter Page – (133mm x 91mm width)
- £800.00 – Full Page – (271 mm x 190mm width)
- £150.00 – Super Links PACKAGE – Up to 3 classified headings, coverage across 1 county, up to 50 word company profile, display advertisement image and / or logo, all company details and 3-5 links to email, website pages and social media pages.
- £300.00 – Social Media shout out and Super Links PACKAGE – Includes, all of the above plus, Links to all your social media websites used, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram YouTube, Google Plus – 3 posts / shout outs on our relevant Facebook and Twitter links to boost your likes and followers – 3 to 5 links to different pages of your Social Media Channels.
- £220 – Classified – Prime Position Link Banner (approx. 600 to 700 pixels wide 200 to 300 pixels high)
- £195 (Launch price) – NEW – Promotional Video – Includes the creation of a one minute video from still images from customer’s website and any videos a customer may have, plus free stock relevant videos / images where available. Provided as WAV or .MP4 file for upload onto your website – Creation of YouTube channel and upload to YouTube
Some examples of the packages we offer
- Super Links Package HERE
- Image Gallery & Super Links Packages HERE
- Classified Prime Position Link Banner HERE
- Promotional Video
Digital Magazine
Below you will find our online digital version of the latest edition of the Hertfordshire Business Directory.